According to the legend, the porcelain Jattes Téton was created and cast after the royal bosom of Marie-Antoinette. In 1787, King Louis XVI commissions Jean-Jacques Lagrenée le Jeune and Louis-Simon Boizot of the Royal Porcelain Manufacture of Sèvres to create a milk bowl for Queen Marie-Antoinette's dairyfarm of Rambouillet. There, the Queen and her close female friends came to relax and enjoy the bucolic atmosphere. The form is in fact inspired by the archetypal chalice shape from the Greek and Roman Antiquity. The ornaments of the dairy bowl and its trivet give a literal hint of its function. The complete service set included more than 60 dairy-tasting pieces with Etruscan shapes as well as neo-classic artwork; Graeco-Roman-inspired goat head pots, Etruscan-handles vases, and cow-feet terrines.